An Announcement

    Antony M. Goddard studied mathematics at Cambridge University,
getting a B.A. with First Class Honours in 1968. After taking Part
Three of the Maths Tripos he took a job in the Computing Science
Faculty of Chelsea College of Science and Technology. Here he
co-authored a paper on Neural Nets and the mechanisms of vision [1].
Subsequent industrial experience included market research, system
programming for ICL, and compiler writing for a GAI, a company based in
Paris, France.

    In 1977 while working on systems software for International
Computers Limited (ICL) he obtained a Merit Award (about $50 USD) for a
paper predicting a place for networked computers in small shops. At the
time no one in ICL really seemed convinced, but by 1993 they had joined
the consortium to provide Lottery terminals up and down the land.

    In 1981 he was contracted to work for Saudi Arabia's Saline Water
Conversion Corporation at Jeddah.

    From 1983-85 he worked for SAHAVIRIYA INFORTECH COMPUTING in
Bangkok, Thailand. The projects included Thai Language programs for one
of the World's first LapTop computers, the EPSON HX-20. He also created
THAI-CALC a Thai-English spreadsheet program.

    In March 1986, he joined a project at King Saud University, Riyadh
for the Academy of Educational Development (A.E.D.), a Washington
consultancy. Here he developed an Arabic-English data-base system and
Graphic User Interface (GUI) for PC systems, mainly using C.

    During the fall of 1989 he worked for Ei-Nis, Serbia's main
computing firm. Here he produced a hypertext data-base and browser for
a touch terminal. He also developed a questionnaire input system, which
is now available at

    During 1991-1992 he worked in Buffalo USA on colour science for
Cybervision, a computer graphics company. Some work used MATHEMATICA,
but most of the programming was done in C for SUN/SPARC workstations.

    From 1992-94 he worked at Queen's University Belfast. The project
was commissioned by the University and the local health service to
monitor sickness in the province. Tony Goddard maintained an
epidemiological data-base covering about 10% of the population. The
work involved migrating the original system (INGRES/SQL) from an IBM
PC/AIX system to a SUN/SPARC UNIX system.

    1997: Consultant. Gaming software.

    During 1998 Tony Goddard wrote software for a Sheffield based
charity called LOWTECH.ORG. This software was used in installations
consisting of video walls of junk computers. All of this software was
produced in C.

    Untitled Installation.  LOVEBYTES. SHEFFIELD
    Video Wall. MANCHESTER DIGITAL SUMMER. Green Room.
    Video Wall. BAKSPACE. London (Near Tate Modern).

    1999:  Landfill Installation. NEXT 5 MINUTES
           Paradisio, Amsterdam.

           Reverse Scrolling Installation. Huddersfield Library.
           Video Wall. South Park Arts Center, Bracknell.

    2000   March: Maths Fair, Sheffield Hallam University.
           April: LOVEBYTES, Sheffield.
           Video Wall software adapted to LINUX.
           Installed in Fort Lux, Netherlands.

    2001   Video Wall and Image splitting software.
           Installated in Tate Gallery, London.




  [1]   A Computer Programme for simulating the neural networks of the
  retina and visual pathways. By A.M.Goddard and S.Lal
  Proceedings of the Physiological Society. March 1971. 13P-14P


  (c) Tony Goddard, Sheffield, February 2002
  Info: 07944 764312
  The cat's name starts with a silent 'h' so it's hlam.
  Please try the phone first if you want to email me.

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